Frequently asked questions

  • On the Register page, input all the details required—Full Name, Company Name, Contact No, Email, and Password.
  • After registering, our administrator will review your account. Once deemed legitimate, the account will be approved.
  • You will then receive an email saying your account has been approved and activated.

Select the type of Olive Oil you would like to purchase.

  • On the individual product page, select the option and input the quantity of your order.
  • Click the "Add to Cart" button and your shopping cart will be displayed.
  • Modifications to the quantity or removal of any item(s) can be done here.
  • If there are modification on your order, such as quantity, click Update Cart.
  • If you want to buy more products, click Continue Shopping
  • If you are entitled to a discount via a discount code issued by us, key in the code on the Coupon Code field, and click the Gift icon/button. The discounted value should be reflected in your cart now.
  • For your Billing Address, it’ll be automatically be populated by the Default Address you set on your Account. If no address was set on your account, you can manually input your Billing Address
  • Shipping Address can be selected Same as Billing Address, manually typed in, or selected from the list of addresses saved in your account.
  • Confirm everything is correct, then place an order.
  • An order confirmation complete with details of your order will be sent to your email

The notification email should be sent out once you have placed your order. If you do not receive any email at all, please write to us at and we will assist you.

  • Click on My Account on the top-right section of the header.
  • Click on Add New Address. Form fields asking for your name, complete address, and phone number will appear.
  • Tick the “Set as default address” box if applicable.
  • Click Add Address once done.
  • An Address List will appear on My Account once an address is saved, listing all saved addresses.
  • From the list, you can choose to Edit or Delete the address.
  • Click on "My Account" on the top-right section of the header.
  • From My Account, click on Change Password on the left sidebar.
  • Type in Current Password and your New Password.
  • Click Save new password.